72 Replies
I don't agree with publicly shaming a child. Instead, figure out what's going on with him. How are things at home? Is he having any problems with friends? Choose the words that make kids feel good. https://learning.covoji.com/growth/10-simple-words-your-child-should-hear/
I don't think public shaming is a good idea personally. It may create negative thoughts and repercussions on both the child and the parent, of which you'd most definitely want to avoid. Additionally, children remember these things, and they carry it with them for life.
I would not recommend that. Rather than cutely having a positive effect in their behavior this might fill children with inferiority complex. They might get more awkward in public gathering as they would be afraid all the time and very cautious about their actions.
Pu lic shaming is good, as long as your kid has understand what is embarassing is. When they're kid, i think people wouldn't see it as punishment. But public shaming worth to try of you have teenager. They have more ego and pride.
No.My mom used to do that and I hate it.With my son,I take him away from the crowd and we talk.He doesnt like to be called out infront of people (I can sense it because Ive been there so after that I stopped)
No. You need to educate your child before so you will not have tantrums in public in the first place. Public shaming just makes you look stupid as a parent
Big NO! Nobody likes being insulted in public may it be the kids or adults. If the kids are misbehaving in public, you need to deal with them patiently.
Nope.. Not good at all as it will make the child feel more sad angry and whatever we said might not go into their head at all if public shaming.
No because if someone elses shame on you in public how would you feel? You can talk to your children privately if they did something bad.
No it is not. U as a parent who is always fond of doing so should stop because u are indirectly killing that child self esteem.