C sect
I'm at wk 39 and baby is 3.8kg..I have decided to go for c sect since dun wan to risk natural birth or induced labour which might ended up emergency C sect since baby is quite big now..is c sect scary? Hope my decision is right..after c sect cannot natural birth next time right?

Hi! Just been thru csect last week! My baby was out in just within 5 mins! I breathed in laughing gas when they insert the spinal epidural (I opted for elective) because I'm super afraid of pain. (no pain at all when they did the epi! Thanks to the laughing gas!) Then everything became slow and I got high when they turn me over to start for the csect. Baby was out in just within 5 mins! You'll get really sleepy after the baby was out ~ I took a nap eventually as my Dr sew me up and the next moment, tadah! I'm on my way wheeled back to my ward ~ The only scary and painful part is the first walk after the surgery. I would say the pain would be burning, bruised pain combined? But before that you'll slowly learn to know the existence of the wound as you sit up from the bed for your first meal of the day I was eventually discharged just 10 hours after I got off from the bed and walked around the hospital 😂 once you can stand up straight, you can slowly take your first walk without any issue alr. Good luck!
Read moreHi mama! I respect your decision. I must also add that I hope you made an informed choice; I say this because you sound a little unsure :) try reading this article which might provide insight backed by lots of research: https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-for-induction-or-c-section-for-big-baby/ With regards to once a c-sect always a c-sect, there are a large percentage of women who have opted for a VBAC and birthed their babies naturally - even when baby is tipping the scale at 4kg! Also, if I may share - my boy weighed a bouncy 4.019kg when delivered via vaginal birth without an epidural. I had a great midwife who helped me to cope with labour and coached me in positions to help bring baby down. Whatever your choice is mama, know that you’re strong and empowered. You were built to birth and as long as you believe in your body and the wonders of what it can do, you’ll have a positive birth. Congratulations in advance!
Read moreHi mummy i also went for c sect i delivered at 38 weeks baby was 3.4kg i had GDM. We decided to go for csect cuz to be honest i scared later if i cannot push and baby will have shoulder dystocia. If first time c sect its a bit overwhelming especially if ur inside the OT alr they will be doing alot of preparation. The spinal anesthesia is a bit scary but once they give u alr u wont feel anything . Both ur legs u totally cannot feel. Post c sect not that bad also i din have any headache. Mummies always think of both u and baby's safety.
Read moreUr most welcome. Have a safe delivery.
After csect, can still go for natural birth. My #1 was via emer csect, #2 was natural birth. For #2, my gynae advised me to opt for csect again, cause he said baby is big. I went to seek second opinion at 37 weeks, and confirmed to switch gynae at 38 weeks. Popped @ 39 weeks, baby was 3.78kg. Tbh, don’t let baby’s weight be the determining factor whether you go for natural birth or csect. There’s 1 mummy in my edd group, she’s quite small sized too. But she managed to deliver her 4kg baby naturally.
Read moreNo offence, but it just shows that my our gynae is not very pro natural. Same as my 1st gynae. Usually if they recommend Csect due to baby being big, even if we try for natural, it will highly likely end up in csect also. Cause they will somehow convince us during our labour. That’s what happened with my #1.
i don't think C sec is scary... as for me I am emergency c sec due to my baby head too big... haha... I was able to walk after 24 hours... for me I feel the terrible part is cough... as your wound like so pain... but after all the healing part is okay to me.. I do have mummy friend successfully natural birth for second one... but you need to rest for 2-3 years after first one in order to try natural birth
Read morehi... im a mummy of 3 kids and the 4th is on the way....! all my first 3 are thru natural birth... the healing was faster..and i was walking abt few hours aft givng birth... as long as it does not put any danger to ur baby and urself, go for normal unless complications...all the best
I am glad I have chosen c-sect because at week 38, my baby was about 3.86kg. I gave birth at week 39 and my baby was 4.5kg! Don't worry, it's a very fast process, baby was out within 15 min, the stitching however took longer.
Thanks mummy! :)
It depends on the dr u choose for your 2nd pregnancy. There are doctors who are supportive of VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Anyway both mine are c-sect.
Not really. My sister in law has c sect during her 1st pregnancy. Her second pregnancy was natural. I would say it depends on individual body condition.
Here's an article I found https://sg.theasianparent.com/vbac-vaginal-birth-after-c-section-singapore?utm_source=question&utm_medium=recommended
C-sect not as scary as you think, don’t worry. If you have healed properly, you can opt for VBAC. If I get #3, I plan to go VBAC 😊
Thanks for the reassurance! All the best🙂
Mama to a boss baby