Natural,induce or c sect
Hi,I am Week 38,gynae says no dilation and baby too big for my size now,he is 3.2kg and I am quite petite size. So might recommend c sect depends on next week review. Coz if induced also might not be favourable. Any of u encounter this?

I was in the exact same situation last Dec! My baby was even bigger, he was est 3.6kg at 38th wk and I wasnt dilated at all. My gynae also said it's not favourable to induce as my baby was still high up. He even advised us to have sex as semen will help to soften the cervix 😂 But even so, and doing squats, walk alot etc, I was barely 1cm dilated at 39th wk. We discussed with our gynae and didn't want to risk baby's shoulder dislocation or having complications so we made the last min decision to do elective csect at 39+2. He came out ti be 3.8kg. And it was a blessing in disguise tt I had csect as we saw tt baby had his cord ard his neck which cldnt be picked up by ultrasound. Anw don't worry so much abt csect! For me it was so smooth I felt as tho I didn't give birth. Super quick and the only thing I dreaded was the epidural injection (which of coz I wld have to go thru even for normal as I'm scared of pain). Not allowed to leave bed for the first 24 hrs but aft tt can move slowly to the toilet. Just pop painkillers and u won't feel csecr pain. My wound is almost invisible probably cz my my gynae is known to be good in his stitching and he prescribed me lots of anti-keloid cream to apply on the csect wound.
Read morewhen i had my daughter 10 years ago, i waited to be dialated,even when my doctor strongly recommended to go for csect,as i was very sure that i can do a normal vaginal delivery i waited . after 18 hrs in labour i couldn't wait anymore. the dr induced me for 3 days but my cervix was still not dilated 3 days induced almost 18hrs of pain in the labour ward for the 3rd day. i took epidural and i was only able to slp for 1 hr when the dr says my baby is not moving anymore.They send me for emergency csect. my daughter was 3.9 during birth. i wasted 19 hrs just because im stubborn. So if the Dr advice u to do csect,trust me they know better. Hope you have a smooth delivery. Im due for my 2nd baby in Nov. im definitely going to listen to the dr this time.. just remember everyone is different.
Read moreI have a friend who is really very slim & petite , successfully delivered her girl @3.5kg vaginally. She was induced bcos the gynae says the baby is too big & baby is alrd full term (wk37). She has no dilation too before her induce. For induce, there’s always a chance of inducing “fail” regardless of the baby size. It depends how ur body adjust to the induce medicine. I have another friend that her dilation stopped at 4cm and didn’t progress and end up in emergency csec. For your case, as your baby is big , I’m also concerned about shoulder dystocia. You may want to wait for ur review , and ask ur gynae what is her recommendation & the reason for her recommendation before u make a decision.
Read more3.2Kg is not a big size dont worry you may proceed with natural birth. My baby was 3.368kg when he was born and it was natural birth. You got to control your diet