I'm so stresfull rite now.if I calculated,bby should be 7 weeks and 5 days,but I have bleeding yesterday morning,.n stop until now,no more bleed.I go to the Hosp n doc said beby was only 5 weeks 4days if measure using scan machine.anyone having same situation like me.?it is normal.?takut baby tak menjadi ...

same like me. but i think I am worse. previosly, doc said I am 8weeks pregnancy (2 weeks pass) should be 10 weeks now. but yesterday I went for scanning because I have spotting. the result shows that my baby is only 6 weeks actually based on scan measure. 1 month revert. but at least when the doc shows the heartbeat and said everything should be ok, i feel better. as long as the baby is safe
Baca lagiafter scan, did doctor told u more about baby? my experience for both past pregnancy, my baby not growing n bleeding . two weeks after dat im miscarriage. same with u, my baby 2 weeks delay progress. dont panic, just ask doctor, how ur baby doing ok. because every pregnancy its different from others. now im pregnant 20 weeks for first baby
Baca lagishe just said to repeat scan aftr 2 weeks.since now I have no bleed anymore.
normal. sya pn almi stuasi yg sma. klu ikut trikh last period dh 9 mnggu, tp bila scan bby bru 8 mnggu. psl bleeding tu better p hspital. spotting ke bleeding better g hspital. cm sya second prgnt ni dh 2 kli bleeding. rahim x kuat. so dktr bgi ubt kuatkn rahim..
better visit the hospital... the doc will give u hormone medicines to help make ur pregnancy strong...As per my gynaecologist, any bleeding during pregnancy is not normal... tc mommy!
already go to Hosp yesterday night,she said if any active bleeding next to come Hosp immediately.so far no bleeding anymore.I hope there is no serious thing ...:-(
sye haritu scan kat kk pun baby xsama dgn weeks. lepas doc bagi obimin dalam sebulan macam tu scan semula dan sehingga sekarang usia baby sama dgn kiraan period..
time tu doc ckp scan brp mnggu?klua ikut USIA bby sis brp mnggu plk?
kena rehat yg bnyk sis..awal kehamilan bledding tu normal asal msh dlm tahap yg sedikit.. jgn bnyk gerak dulu untuk kurangkan bledding..kena jaga betul2
normal dear. sy pun macam tu mula2. tapi bagi sy paling tepat measure by scan machine. tentang bleeding tu sy tak pasti. ☺
saya rs tu mngkin implantation bleed.smpi skg x de lg pndrhn.x de abdo pain..I hope so.inshaAllah mntk2 bby strong
Excited to become a mum