6 Replies

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Don't have to get angry or upset over people without proper knowledge yet think they are some smart alec! She's your daughter, your baby! Whatever you're doing it's all for her own good. You may consider telling your mom that it's an advise to feed your baby on demand by a professional doctor. Whatever you do will always be the best for your daughter. Try to assure your mom. Sometimes she may nag cos she may be kanchiong for her grand daughter too. Just keep repeat the same thing back to her will do.

VIP Member

hi im a single mom too but its ok, it never come easy. been in your situation once, until now, i just speak up because i know my baby more than anybody. i will just be firm because its my baby, right? i took care of her, i know her. you have to think positive ok, just let all the words flow, dont let it be the reason youre down. your baby is your happiness ok mummy. :) chin up!

Tell those ppl who blame u to keep their mouth shut n dont cross the line. U have to standup for urself n protect ur baby. Otherwise who gonna protect ur baby?! Goodness u r the mum. U have the full control of ur own child. Pls dont let ppl step over u otherwise ur child gonna suffer next time

Hello! I am also a single mum. Still slowly learning. Yes it’s not easy. Because people thinks I’m neglecting my child just because I’m not married. All the best! I cry everyday too. But I know I cannot give up for the sake of my girl Stay strong mana

At least yours is relatives. Mine is mil that meet everyday. I got blamed eventhough its not my fault. She just want to cover her mistakes and make me looks worst than her


some people speak without thinking it through & often easier said than done... stay strong 💪

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