
I'm in my 13th week of pregnancy, and my face is full of pimples and pimples scars. Before I'm pregnant, my facial skin is soft and hardly a pimple will land on it. Do other mommies-to-be experiencing the same? Will my soft and smooth skin comes back?

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My doctor said it because of hormone during pregnancy..it will disappear after deliver

Normal. Sebab masalah hormon. Lepas bersalin nanti kulit akan kembali pada asal.

Sma..1st tri byk jerawat..bila msuk 2nd tri jrwat dah takde,cma tgl parut je😁

saya pun..naik dekat muka dgn badan..makin byk..harap lepas beranak nnti, hilang la

sama lah sis😂 terase huduh😂 muga nanthj lepas bersalin peloles balek😆

same la dgn sy jerawat naik hitam²muka kusam nak pakai skincare ape pun xtau.😣

Alhamdulillah..1st bby dh 13w xde naik jerawat.. ada tu ada, cma 1 2 3 je yg ada..

saya pun sama tpi rmai ckp pembawakan bdk mmg dia akan timbul sbb ikut hormon

sis nk tnye klu mengdung jerawat naik byk kt muka msalah ubat kew? sy 13 weeks...

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same goes to me😅...mkin bnyk jrwat nih...parut xhilng lagi..dia naik lg