
I'm in my 13th week of pregnancy, and my face is full of pimples and pimples scars. Before I'm pregnant, my facial skin is soft and hardly a pimple will land on it. Do other mommies-to-be experiencing the same? Will my soft and smooth skin comes back?

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yela...orang keliling tegur muka dah nmpk kusam.. n pimples... huhuhu

sama jugak..naik da jerawat dkt bdn n muka ..sy biarkan jer mls nak pk😅

Sy pulak terbalik , dah ngandung ni muke takde jerawat mcm sblm ni ..

I experienced the same things and it gets better in time. it's just temporary.

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saya jg macam tu,masa pregnancy n after delivery jg makin banyak😭😭😭

Biasa tu sis..hormon time preggy...dh brsalin nt akn ok balik..jgn risau ye

Hihi sabor ye sis. In next 3rd trimester no longer pimples 😊😌 Freeee.

same with me..pimples kt area dagu..naik banyak sgt..n skrg sy pon 13weeks


Sama lah..smnjak prgnant muka mngelupas n jrawat ..tp xbyak lah naik tu..

Sama lah, muka penuh gila dengan pimples. Kat badan pun naik juga sikit.