Have not had sex in a long time..
Hi all, i'm a daddy to a almost 06 month old baby. Me & my wife have not had sex since we found out she was pregnant in June 2019. So it's almost 15 months we last had sex. When baby was in the tummy, I just didn't like the idea although everybody says it's ok. Now that baby is out, both our focus is all to baby. I'm not complaining, just wondering if it's normal that there are couples out there not having sex for their baby? Btw, I still love them both tremendously. Advises please.

hi. it's embarrassing but in my situation, my hubby is the one who doesn't seem to have interest to be intimate again. in my 3rd trimester till now my baby is 4mos old, we haven't do it yet. last time when I try to initiate, he simply said next time and asked me to sleep. I cried and feel confused.but that's the only flaw in our relationship. he always helps me around the house, always want to carry the baby when he's in home to bond with her, so supposedly I should be fine. I don't know but if course I need intimacy. I feel so down at times coz I can't keep asking him to do it, sad but I feel insulted when he's not showing interest.
Read moreIt might be normal for some couple but it's time for you to be intimate with your wife. Sometimes women kept it inside their heart. Ever since I am pregnant with second child, my husband have been so busy working to earn more. There's time where he came back feeling so exhausted after work and I just missed him being intimate with me. Whenever he rejects, I thought that he loss interest already but I was wrong. He's just tired and now we make a schedule for it 😅
Read moreHi , I would feel its normal not to have sex during the last trimester of pregnancy , as its uncomfortable for some ladies or couples , but you can start the spark again after a few months pp . I understand the exhaustion after a full day of work and house chores . But everyone needs intimacy . Maybe your wife does not tells you anything but I think u should make the first move . Talk to her more , or discuss about it . Remember , communication is key to everything .
Read moreHi, same for me. my hubby didn’t feel like having any sex during pregnancy as we have tried once and he fail to complete the session due to his mind kept thinking he’s afraid will affect baby in my tummy. after birth, he was very understanding as i had tearing and he knows how painful it was for me so we didn’t do it for at least a year. we talked about it too and do it only when i feel i’m ready for it..
Read moreI really hope you had considered her emotions as well when you decided not wanting to be intimate. Because some women need intimacy to feel that they are treasured. I hope you quickly get the sparks lighted up again and not just focus on baby. Wife have needs and feelings too.
I think it might be normal. But different couple have different needs. So start to do some romantic gesture and spark the relationship with your wife again and see how it goes.
it's normal . me and my husband did not have sex until my baby is almost 13months old . both must be ready and willing to.
It can be normal, best talk it out
Maybe try talking to her?