1 Replies

Wow to be able to deliver 4kg baby w/o epi tt's a huge feat mummy! For me my baby was 3.8kg by 38th wk and being FTM I was scared of a hard labour so I opted for elective csect at 39+ wks instead. Didn't regret it as it was fast and got to know baby's cord was wrapped ard baby's neck during birth so even if I had tried to deliver normally, wld have likely ended up emergency csect. It really depends on how u feel mommy, if u think u can endure another labour tho induce is likely to be more painful but u can opt for epi this time round.

yeah. the weight given from them is just a estimate numbers. and by 41 weeks im afraid that it will get bigger. i actually will rather norm delivery than csect as csect healing is really very slow.

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