baby's kicking a lot and hard

hi! I'm 24 weeks and mu baby kicks a alot , and strong just now.. is it normal?

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i cant even sleep when the baby is active. start from 22 weeks. now its getting stronger. its good the baby is active. so you know the baby is healthy.

normal💜💜.. mommy pn jgn aktif sgt. kdg2 baby mengeras sbb Mommy aktif buat itu ini.. hihi.. take care Mommy💜💜

6y ago

hehe.. ade.. tu kene jaga2 jugak. sy pn aktif sgt masa pregnant. even 3rd trim pun still panjat2. mak bising pun buat x tau😅.. bila dh mngeras baru stop.

yes its very normal. its only not normal if baby dont kick or move at all.

6y ago

my baby does that too. u can start to count too see ur baby's pattern.sometimes it will be less kicks maybe because he/she is's movement will slightly decrease as ur week goes by because there wont be much space. but it also depends on ur baby's personality.

bestnya baby aktif 😊. my baby malu2 je nak gerak. huhu *22w.

your baby so active. :D i can't wait to feel

Good for u 🤗