14 Balas

Hi Ms Charlene, betul ke kalau anak Autism perlu daftar kad OKU untuk layak masuk sekolah pendidikan khas kerajaan?

I am not sure about this however i do know parents yang register anak2 dengan kad OKU will get minimal finance assistance. Do check this link out. https://www.malaysia.gov.my/portal/content/30320

Hi Ms Charlene, how to know which special needs school is good? What criteria should we look for? Thank you.

For early intervention centers or therapy centers, I would recommend ABC! (autism behavioral center). For inclusive mainstream schools, ISKL, Taylors and Nexus are some good options.

Hi Ms. Charlene, how can I teach my child to care and have compassion for children with special needs?

You should be the example of what you want to see :) Heres a great video for kids that explains autism! https://youtu.be/RbwRrVw-CRo

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Hi Ms Charlene. At what age is the best time to check if a child has autism?

Hi Ms. Lala, you can get a child assessed as young as 16 months. Generally for children with observable traits of autism, the diagnosis can be made before 24 months If the child is very functional, the diagnosis sometimes comes later when its more observable in terms of challenges faced by the child

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