
11 Replies

VIP Member

I had it also, tried to latch, pump but only get a little amount but the engorgement still there, ask hubby to help massage while I bf-ing, helps a bit, in the end I took Lecithin, bought from Watsons, the next day it solved by itself, I only took 2

Thank you for sharing. I will consider this option if it is not getting better

Try putting cold cloth on your swollen breast. Few hours later try pumping again with warm cloth or shower with warm water before pumping . It happened to me too and it was damn pain. Luckily it got softer few hours later.

Ok. Thank you for sharing

Super Mum

You can go see a lactation consultant. They can help massage to relieve the engorgement and advise you on latching the baby as well. If you have a fever better go see a doctor too. All the best, it will get easier!

Thank you for your advice. Appreciated

Try to get hubby to massage first, if cant better to get breast massage (there are those that will come to ur home ones). If still cant, better to call the lactation nurses at hospital for help. Hope it helps! :)

Thank you for your advice. Appreciated


Since you are a first time mum, encourage you to join Facebook group for breastfeeding and look for lactation nurse. You can call up the hospital u went to and ask them about this services.

Ok. Good idea. Thanks for your advice

Engage an experienced Jamu / Malay massage lady, mine totally saved me from engorgement and helped to smooth milk ducts

Yes I did. Thank you for your advice.

VIP Member

Keep trying to get your baby to latch on. It will help ease the flow of breast milk and relieve your engorgement

Thank you for your advice. Appreciated

VIP Member

Find lactation consultant. Cold cabbage will cause bm to drop

Oh really. Oh mine didnt know that. Thank you for your advice

VIP Member

Get a massage. Hope it helps

Welcome :)

Super Mum

Hubby massage

Yes. He did. I also massage myself too. Thank you for sharing

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