6 Replies

Hi dear, big hugs. My baby was estimated to be 1.8kg at 34 weeks and I was also really saddened by it in the beginning. A few things I took- avocados, eggs and maternal milk. I think any milk brand is fine, more of flavour preference. I did read an old post on the app that mums prefer Enfamama or Frisomum. For 3 days I ate a lot more and it made me really bloated and I was stressed out by my calorie intake. I slowed down and decided to just take it easy and eat what I can. If I have to choose, I personally find the calories and nutrients more dense for the milk (one glass is about 400kcal) and it wasn't that difficult to add in my diet. And eggs, they are small in portions and not so bloating. By 36 weeks my baby's estimated weight was 2.5kg BUT I am going to say I'm not sure if it's from the diet. I learned from this that there's a possibility that the baby's measurements could be off during the scan. The estimated weight depends on your baby's biometrics measurements, such as head/abdominal/femur length. So if the baby's position makes it difficult to get a particular measurement, the weight calculation may be off. I'm not sure what's your baby's previous measurements but mine suddenly fell from her usual 25-30th percentile to 5th. My gynae and the sonographer who did my recent scan think I could have an 'off' measurement at 34 weeks. I've also learned from other mamas that despite their babies being small at birth, they do grow well outside :) I know it's natural you'll wanna try to do something. You could try and there's still time to do so but take it easy and don't overly stress yourself over it. Things will be okay :) I hope you hear better news at the next visit too!

Thankyou so much for every words and advices.. it truly help me to look to smtg better.. 🥰 My next appointment will be on the 1st June to check again on the baby. I hope the weight and everything improves. ❤️

At 35 wks, my wife's gynae informed that the baby was around 1.8kg, which was on the low side. Gynae informed to eat durians, avocado, proteins. Wifey ate alot and was so sick of it. 1wk later, it was 1.9kg. Still very low. My baby boy was born at 37wks at 2.3kg. Very healthy. So apparently the weight during checkups was just an estimate. Dont worry too much and just eat. Get your husband to join you too!

Hi !! Thankyou so much for your reply at my post!! My husband try to stuff alot more food for me to gain weight eventhou im a big eater 😂 on my next appointment, i hope baby is well eventhou its small. As long as it is healthy. My doc estimated tht my bby due will be on week 37-38 and im now at 31! Nervous🤯

I just had my 32-week scan, and baby is small too. Weighing at about 1.8kg. But gynae was kind enough to advise on what to eat (just eat whatever you want!) and to add more protein into your diet. He also advised to drink the maternal milk 3 times a day. I’m paranoid of course but he said not to be. Just continue eating every 2 hours in small portions. Still worried though 😅

I hope your baby is healthy though!!! Its okay if its small i guess as long as the baby is fine. We can gain bby weight once bby is out 😅 goodluck to you sis! Stay healthy ❤️

I gave birth at exactly 40 weeks (full term) baby was only 2.2kg doctor keep mentioning baby is small for full term. My baby is now 4 months, healthy and kicking. End of the day, as long as your baby is healthy its fine. Since your baby isn't out yet. Try to ask gynae what they can recommend for your pregnancy. Like some vitamins or fish oil?

Hi. Im now currently taking vitamins and milks to help increase the weight for bby. And also i eat quite alot so i hope bby is growing well. Thankyou for your suggestion reply!! I appreciate it🥰

Potatoes and beef. Avocado too. All yummy and healthh


Eat durian, or potatoes can gain baby weight.

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