4 Replies

Braxton hicks comes and goes especially when you change your position ie. from sitting to lying down. Contraction pain does not go away no matter how you change your position and comes at every 2-10 mins interval. The pain goes all the way from your back to the front and you will feel like you want to poop so bad and feels like your insides are twisting in pain. Time your pain. If it's like the contraction pain, then head out to the hospital asap. No need to wait until 2 minutes interval to go. You'll never know if you'll give birth otw to the hospital.

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could be Braxton ir Round ligament pain😊 happening to me lately too! just do some stretching, and talk to baby 😌.. hope all goes smooth and well til delivery!

baby is already 1½ yr old now hehe

Braxton-Hicks contractions may begin in your third trimester


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