just sharing with u what I ve been through. Initially my boy didnt latch too. Keep crying..I think i couldnt find the right position to properly latch him. It was very tiring to keep pumping and prepare the bottle n feed. I didnt have nanny. Just Mil come and help for first 3 weeks. She kinda overfed him so my milk in the fridge used up vry fast. I was thinking the only life saver fr me is to keep try latching him. Fortunately, coming to his 2nd month, he just can latch by himself. I think he grow bigger, mouth bigger, thats y can latch easier too. But mummy must not give up. After that I feel much better cz it save my time to prepare and wash bottle and pump. Instead of wake up, pump 20 mins, clear up equipment here and there 10 mins, prepare bottle 5 mins, feed baby 10 mins, try to put him to sleep 10 mins.. its almost 1 hr already that u have to wake up in the middle of the night. But latching I spend only 15-20 mins, baby is fed and fall sleep and u can go back sleep vry fast too! U can also try nipple shield at first until he can latch then u stop using it. I use those that look like bottle teats. It works vry well fr me. Some more tips, I like to latch him in Koala position (head higher, can try search google fr photo) cz it helps him to pass gas by himself very easy or sometime can burp on his own during the feed. And ur the other boob will have space for the haaka silicone pump. So when the baby latching one side, the other side will auto collect the milk. When he is full, I will have some milk to stock up fr him too. Just keep trying Mummy! Latching will also help u lessen chance of mastitis too! I nvr get mastitis ever again after he can latch. Now he is 8 month old already. So far so good. Hope this helps, All the best! ♥️
don't depend on nanny as soon as possible. use wearable pump and feed at the same time, if not just push back ur pump time a bit. don't be stress over the pump time too
don't rely on nanny as soon as u can pump every 3hrs or whenever baby is 💤 stock up as much as u can, so at any point of time there's milk available
Best thing let the baby latch directly .. initially he may reject but keep try, once he used to bottle feeding means don’t drink anymore directly
You can try this timetable for feeding. After latching I will pump. If pure pumping probably you can pump every 2 and half hour.
I pump 30min before feed. Or after feed. If can, I will ask hubby to feed while I pump
you can also try wearable pumps so that you can feed n pump simultaneously
Try to schedule pumps 30 - 40 mins before feeding time!