Can I take taxi with my newborn without any car seat? Need to bring him for jab. Also heard that grab won’t allow me to carry baby inside the car.

Yes I’ve taken Grab-taxi a few times with my child . Heard my friends need to put their newborn in those Doona portabke car seat then okay for Grab-cars.
Taxi you can.Grab you can take a newborn . From age 1 and above you can choose grab family option which allow kids.
I take grab sending my lo to poly they OK.. Even though I bring my portable donna stroller I put at behind...
Yes, taxi can take baby without car seat but if any accident occurs, then you only have yourself to blame.
Yup. Taxi is okay but recommend you get a carrier to carry your baby so it's safer.
Taxi will allow babies without carseat as long as you sit behind.
Grab u needs to book those with car seat . More expensive
Taxi is ok. Grab doesn’t allow without car seat
Yes, you can. I asked this same question too
Must below 12 months then can.