Car seat for newborn from hospital?
Hi mummies and daddies! Is it required to have a car seat when going home from hospital with newborn? We do not own a car, so will just take grab or taxi. If yes, any suggestion on a car seat that can be carried around? Thank you!#1stimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp #advicepls

Let me share our experience. We hunted for an appropriate portable car seat, as like you, we don't own a car. We got a Maxicosi and we liked how easy it was to attach and remove it from any car. The day we left hospital, we had a Grab cancel on us, and next Grab driver drove off when he saw our car seat, which can be carried like a bassinet. Eventually we got a taxi, which is the only vehicle (apart from train, bus etc) you can travel in without a proper car seat. We still used it but learnt that no private hire vehicle would knowingly allow you to use their services, even with a proper car seat. Something about insurance. Learnt the hard way. The cat seat however was a great rocker and my child loved it a lot. It had a nice soothing lilt to it. We finally gave it away a few months after she turned 2, as she truly had outgrown it by a lot. We had to do it on the sly though.
Read morefor taxis, car seats are not required. private hire such as grab, gojek needs carseats. however if u don't own a car its pointless to get a carseat as u will have to bring it out everywhere u go. best to invest in doona which can work as carseat or stroller but its really exp and able to fit up to 1 yr only thus i didn't invest in it. i just hand carry my LO and took taxi instead of grab.
Read morethank you! take care!
Hi there, if you don’t own a car, it may not make sense to buy a car seat. Singapore does not require babies to be in car seats in a taxi, so you could just carry baby in your arms. On a side note, you won’t be able to take a grab car as they are not allowed to ferry babies and kids without a car seat.
Read morethank you and take care!
if you are a risk taker, just take taxi without a proper car seat. otherwise you may consider investing in a Doona if you have spare cash. look around on Carousell instead for a 2nd hand one. as for me, i wont want to risk the safety of my child.
thank you! was thinking of looking for good 2nd hand ones since we won't be going out much during this time. take care!
No need. 5 kids and I have never had a baby carseat. We only took cabs cos you'll need one when you take grab. Only with the 5th one my husband drives but I still carried my NB in my arms cos no place to put a carseat in his van.
thanks a lot for sharing!
If you’d still like to consider a car seat, perhaps look at those that can be attached to a stroller? That’ll be easier than having to carry the seat around
thank you!
If you’re taking grab/private hire, you need a car seat.. As of now comfort cab doesn’t need but suggest to book a cab then fetch..
thank you!!!
I recently delivered my baby last 26th August and we just took a normal taxi and just carry my newborn baby.
thank you! hoping all is well with you and your baby!