to check pregnancy
I sepatutnya period on 5th July.. tapi my period was absent so I check on the expected day of period and it's show -ve. Sampai Hari ni I tak period lagi, is there any possibilities any pregnant? Atau kena check balik dgn pregnancy test Lepas bebrapa Hari lagi?
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ada simprom pregnancy tak macam pening/demam/loya/cramp/gusi berdarah or etc. kalau ada simptom mmg ada chance pregnant. kadang2 lambat period sbb hormon juga. try check lagi next week kalau belum period. then if -ve try different brand upt. clear blue highly suggested.
Just wait until more than 1 week of period delay then recheck the upt..
VIP Member
Tnggu la sminggu lagi lpas Tu check..
Ok sure...thank you
Ok sure thank you
Can try check again after 1 week..
Ok noted
Check back after a week
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