I am nw preg with no2 in my 23weeks, having dreams/nightmare every night, cant slp well and next day feeling very tired. Does anyone experience this? What could be the cause and how could i make my slp better?

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It's quite normal to have nightmares. Trying soothing music, some feet massage, warm milk or warm bath to help u relax better. Actually for EO I don't trust a lot of the commercial brands because there are additives and stuff. Real lavender - good quality ones are not so cheap. I get mine form The Naturalist Grandeur at esplanade.

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Try drinking some chamomile tea before you sleep. Alternatively you can also use lavendar essential oil. It helps us to relax. It can be applied on kids as well. However, remember to get the natural ones. I get mine from mt sapola.

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I used to have intense dreams when I was preggy. Not sure is it coz of the change in hormones. Do something that relaxes you? A warm bath, drink some warm milk or chamomile tea?