Baby Refused To Slp At Night
My 2 wks old baby whenever come to 11pm plus wil refuse to slp at night. But during daytime she slp well after every 3hrs fed. Anyone has methods to make baby slp at nite? I have checked diaper, changed to slping clothes, off lights, patting and walking. But baby stil crying non stop.

I encounter this during my bb week 4. Nothing works for that week he just wont sleep well at night. Somehow the next week he resumed sleeping well at night. Hang in there!
Most likely your baby is having gassy stomach or colic problem. You can bring them to PD to diagnose the problem. Ridwind and probiotic biogaia help ease the colic pain
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Check baby has any colic / gassy / bloated stomach. Bf to sleep? Off the lights in a quiet room.