Do you eat freely while pregnant? I have GD too..
I mean, old wives tale says no cold drinks etc etc. Did you refrain?

Hi i had gdm too. I did drink cold plain water from time to time during my pregnancy. Before i had gdm, i was eating alot. Almost every night i will have supper at 11 pm ish close to midnight. But once i know that i had gdm, i cut down on my food intake. Stopped eating chocolates/ sweets and replace it with healthy snacks such as green apples and healthy peanut butter instead.
Read moreTry my best to avoid. I will take out cold fruits / drinks out from fridge & leave it outside for 5mins before consume. I have sweet tooth , also try my best to eat in moderation especially last trimester, baby put on weight easily.
In moderation. Too bad I really love cold drinks!! And people always tell me not to drink cold drinks too much blabla. Unless gynae advise against it, i’d say just eat/drink in moderation! Balance it out with plain water?
Yeap, i just ate whatever i wanted. Esp due to nausea, food aversions and decrease in appetite, its really hard to keep things down. So i just ate whatever i feel like eating.
Ate and drank in moderation. Yes i took cold drinks, ate salmon sashimi & half boiled eggs occasionally. Had GD so cut the sweet drinks & changed my diet
Im avoiding my favourite sashimi/sushi's/raw salad and also cold drinks.. i still take spicy food thou. :)
Drank cold drinks a lot. Singapore’s so hot. Haha. But if you have GD, then stick to cold water only
You have to exercise self control.. not easy definitely but get husb to support n encourage u ok
Ate freely, just avoided raw food and certain food that cause uterine contractions.
Hey... this may help