Let me know your thoughts
To what extend do you believe in superstition and old wives tale during pregnancy? Did you follow strictly, if not, what did you not follow and did anything happen?

I take it with a pinch of salt. Some of the things i try to rationale it by myself. Sometimes its not merely superstition or old wives tale or pantang but i feel theres logic behind it. Of course some doesn’t make any sense. Haha. Like for us in malay community, they will believe in not going home late when you are pregnant etc as there will be spirits who will follow you home and affect your baby. so from there i try to reason it out oh yes its true that pregnant women shldnt be home late as they need to rest. They shld be at home during this hour and not outside. I feel like sometimes all these things were from the olden days. They educate or pass their message or reminders by instilling fear. In all, just follow if it puts you at ease, whichever way you are comfortable with.
Read moreI always don't believe them. But my mom will always tell me no harm following some of them (my mom is only 42 years old). She herself also don't believe them, but she strongly believe that a pregnant woman should be happy always otherwise baby very hard to take care after they are born. Maybe that happened to her 😂
Read moreOnly follow those that makes sense. Nonsense ones like simple drilling / fixing furniture cannot be around, i don't care cos still had to hold the cot while my hub fixed it. But if painting is involved i will not be around cos of the fumes. Still attended weddings.
Read moreI don’t believe though .. my parents n in-laws always says don’t buy anything before baby borns it’s not good .. but I never listen I buy every need before my prince arrives n make everything set ready n had a happy delivery n it’s been 3yrs now 😂
Was told to stay home throughout my confinement period which is 44 days but coming in 3rd week i already went out and such. Try to keep yourself sane but still follow through restrictions like food consumption and drinks.
hardly... except washing my hands often during confinement after my first pregnancy led to my wrist feeling very weak... during confinement after next pregnancy, only used wet wipes and my wrist recovered well
i only follow some superstition like i will not use scissor and sewing clothes in bed,do not use glue when smethg torn or broken and will not attend any funeral or wedding ceremony.
Nah I don’t really believe. Life is already so complicated, best is to just take things at face value sometimes and not worry too much about these things. Less stress is best.
Not really superstitious but I only avoided cutting and sewing on bed because my mom did so when preg with my younger bro. And he was born with a cleft.
To me, the more we follow and think about it, it'll be worse. So far, i dun believe in any of it. Just relax and listen to your body.