I have a 21mths old toddler and a 6mths old baby. My Husband works 5.5days a week and he attends private school on Sundays. He is always tired. He dozes off almost every night after dinner in front of the TV. He sleeps through the night even when baby cries loudly in the middle of the night. He has little time for both kids. And whenever I told him that he should spend some time with the kids his reply is most of the time 'I'm tired'/ 'you are not working, wait till u go back to work, u will know how tired it is to work'. My reply to him is 'don't you have any Father instinct that you come back home and play with your kids for awhile?'/ 'Don't you have Father instinct to wake up to your baby's cries?' We have not have sex since I got pregnant with number 2... he is afraid to have a 3rd child. He says stop at 2. I told him we can still have sex and take precaution. But he say he needs time... Am I very harsh to him?

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Both of you are simply way too exhausted with your roles. Nevertheless, maybe you can try a softer approach with your husband in telling him that it is important for him to spend some time with baby. Even if it's just putting them to sleep. I would not use the word don't you have father instincts. Men are different from women. He maybe totally exhausted. I feel that the both of you should take a step back. When everyone is tired and worn out, there won't be mood. So even with sex my husband has asked me countless times. But I truly understand now what it feels like to be tired.

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