2nd month in marriage and got pregnant
I just got to know that I'm pregnant. I told mom and she just say thank god (alhamdulillah). As I am overwhelmed with emotions, I cried. I said, it is not that i do not want it. But am I ready for it? She then said along the line if i am not ready, abort it before anyone knows about it. I am taken aback. I told myself that mom is just looking out for me. But, come on! Why such straight negativity?

Alhamdulillah! Congratulations to you :) In sha Allah you will be able to get through this! :) I'm married for 7 years, but honestly, my pregnancy is unplanned, so I was mixed emotions at first with worries and excitement. But over the time, I grew to love my baby, now going to be 9 months soon hehe and I can't really wait for my baby to pop soon! 😍💖 You can do this, baby is a gift from Allah SWT, ujian tu tetap but at the same time, in sha Allah baby tu akan bawak byk rezeki for you and your family. 😊
Read moreCongratulations! Sometime I couldn’t believe my pregnancy too, but I know god plan it for you knowing you are ready for it. It’s a gift from god :) I’m sure along the way, you will be prepared for it :) Your mum is looking out for you, since you cried to her. She just pointing to you an exit plan , but I’m sure she do not mean that.
Read moreI hope so too. Coz the I am still adapting to marriage life, now it feels like s*** just got real 😅
Congrats! Don’t worry so much. Now you can plan with your hubby the next steps. You can do it 💓 You will be ready as a mama! Trust me:) Mother instinct will always be there. Please ignore such negativity. Just treat it as she just nagging haha. You will be fine. As Long you have support n help from family members. :)
Read moreThank you for this. Planning to surprise hubby on his birthday in 2 weeks time 😍
Its ok to keep even if ure not ready.. ah Allah gifted u with e fetus and not everyone are bless with it.. some wait for more than 10years still no news... shud be thankful Allah gifts is the best thereafter... who knows with the baby you carry might give ur family a blessful life in future rest assure n be happy :)
Read moreI agree with every point you're making. Idk why mom is kind of disappointed when I said i'm keeping.
Firstly congratz to you! I think best is to confide in your husband about this. Im sure he will be happy and will be a good supporter for u. Even if u feel that u are not ready, Allah is the best planner and he has planned this for u. And this is an amanah for the both of u to raise this baby. Take care!
Read moreThank you for the positive support Hazirah. I myself will definitely keep it. Hubs has been looking forward to it since 1st cycle of menses after marriage. And he kept on saying that i might be pregnant since yesterday (when I know I am and have yet to tell him)
Alhamdulillah ala kulli haal. Congrats dear. Allah knows best dear. In Shaa Allah u will get through it and will definitely love the journey and your little one. Especially when u saw the baby during scans.My prayer for you and sure ure excited planning to surprise your hubs. Good luck! 😄
Same situation as you but always remember Allah knows well. My friends always reminded me 'there are some people out there who badly want to be pregnant but they can't and Allah give you the rezeki first' think positive! Congratulations to you alhamdulillah
Thank you for the positive words 😍
Alhamdulillah.. Allah given u the greatest gift.. I myself waited for almost 6 years, 1st pregnancy miscarriage.. Now allah already given me the rezki hubbie and me waited this long.. Alhamdulillah for everything.. 😊
U tooo babe.. Congrats to u and hubbie.. All this ade hikmah.. Be happy and sentiase bersyukur.. 😊❤
Alhamdulillah. May Allah protect you and your child dear. This is all rezeki. I am only pregnant after close to 5th year. Alhamdulillah, Allah always give at the right time ❤️ Take Care ya
That is what I believe too, Allah gives you what you need at the right time, even if you are not prepared for it at all.
Congrats! Some mothers are insensitive, just one ear in one ear out. You should talk to your hubby instead, the child belongs to 2 of you
Thank u for this 😍
Got a bun in the oven