Irritated by this nurse
I called the local hospital to make appointment to confirm a pregnancy and they said that it is still not sure that I am pregnant. I told them that I took 5 PT TEST and it came out positive. The person then said she cannot take me in because the pregnancy isnt confirm. My husband then said if we can make appt to confirm. , she said No. We can make appt if its a confirmed pregnancy. Im like 🙄

I used 2 kits at home. I was week 4 then. And since I was experiencing a little pain in pelvic area I visited polyclinic few days later. They checked by kit again and referred me to KKH on the same day for further inspection on the pelvic pain. The doc said most probably it could be due to constipation but better to have detailed scan done to check whether the foetus is in correct position. My suggestion would be to visit polyclinic first n get referral to hospitals. You can always change hospital/doctor in later part of your pregnancy
Read moreI went straight to the poly to confirm my pregnancy (I did a PT again there to confirm) and I was referred to my preferred hospital in a mth under subsidy. I was about 6 wks plus when I went to the poly and still got a referral letter. Maybe you want to try another poly or hospital?
Hmm I'm not sure if tt's a normal response. I took only 2 positive tests and went straight to a private gynae. Got the appt immediately even tho it was during CB. I guess if it's a hospital, they wld need referral frm a GP.
I think best is you go to polyclinic to test it out 1st then once the results came up and it is positive the doctor will ask you to choose which hospital so you want to go for your pregnancy check up like KKH or NUH
Thanks. It was posted along time ago. I was 6 weeks that time. Im 32 weeks now
Update: have an appt this saturday :) finally. Fingers cross that everything is fine
Is this for a subsidized visit? I got the referral from a GP too.
if you are a Singaporean i think it is subsidized. Mine isnt. :) but its ok cause I really want to know if my little one is safe
go test at polyclinic and get referral letter to hospital
very strange. once I suspected I got pregnant, I just walked in polyclinic and they test for me. when result positive, they asked me which hospital I wanted to be referred to.
Which local hospital you call?
That’s why best to go private! TMC
I was 6 weeks that time. Now Im 32 weeks and yes I went to TMC and its amazing :)
normal. opt for private no issue.
shouldve put the date there. I was ard 6 weeks that time I wnt for private and now Im 32 weeks