
I gave porridge for my baby 6 months 24 days. She keeps crying and having difficulty to poop. So on and off I gave her only plain porridge about 5 days without any other vegetables or fruit mixing. Her tummy is bloated and keeps crying. What's was my mistake?

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Bagi bayi yang berusia 6 bulan ke atas, biasakan mereka minum air masak. Ingatkan mereka untuk minum sekali dalam sejam. Pastikan bawa bekalan air ketika keluar bermain terutamanya ketika cuaca panas. Anak sembelit/cirit birit. Nak beri makan apa? Sembelit : Give ‘P’ (Prune, Papaya, Plum, Pear, Pumpkin). Stop ‘BRAT’. Cirit-birit : Feed ‘BRAT’ (Bread, Banana, Rice, Apple sauce, Toast). Stop ‘P

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6y ago

Okay baby I sekarang tak nak minum susu juga. Still never poop. Okay I will give her as u mentioned. Air masak can give ready , is there any specific amount?

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Kalau baby still menangis tapi poop x keluar so sis stop dlu bagi bubur nasi bagi poop keluar dlu..sementara tu sis boleh bagi buah pear/papaya untuk senang berak..

6y ago

Okay sis. Thank you

Advice to give fruits or vegetable puree or u can add some veges,prune or dates into ur baby's porridge rather than plain porridge...

6y ago

I gave carrot puree this morning. Steam first then I blend with water... give her abit only. Can I stop plain porridge and just give her carrot ,vegetables and fruits only ?

Kena bagi dia minum susu ibu kalau ada. Ataupun blend kan buah prune dan bagi dia makan 3-5 sudu hari2. Gerenti dia berak lembut.

6y ago

Sampai sekarang I bagi bubur kosong je. Boleh try prune ke? Ok I'll try

Try bg air msk sllu dan bg mkn buah2 yg melawaskan mcm singo pear..Buah naga..Jgn bg pisang sb boleh btkan smbelit..

6y ago

I tak bagi air sebab bubur memang bagi cair. So takut bagi air sebab tak boleh bagi air banyak Kan. Besok I tak bagi bubur, boleh bagi air je tak? 2 sudu?

Same lah..baby saya pun..bila da start Makan ..susah sngat nak poop

6y ago

Ohhhww I went to consult dr also

air masak tetap kena bgi sis, bby nngis mybe perut kembung kot.

6y ago

Now only I start to give air masak, sebelum tu tak kasi. Berapa banyak kena kasi. Yes Perut dia pun kembung