Hi, I gave birth 2 months back. I realise that whenever I drink cold drinks, my tummy will hurts and will have diarrhoea. Is it normal? I use to drink cold drinks and is totally fine. I don't know why after birth my tummy can't take in cold drinks.

Warm and room temperature water is the best. Giving birth is a strong shock to your body and you are still in the recuperation state. Your body will be reacting differently as your immune system has been compromised and still in the process of repair. Give your body time to heal
Our abdomen and uterus are usually weak after birth. If you believe in chinese medication, do see a TCM. they will be able to give you some medication to build up to tummy. Secondly, have more ginger, it helps to warm up the tummy.
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Hi, Have some warm water as post delivery many immunal and hormonal changes happen in the body and your body is still in the process of getting back to normal stage
Not too sure what's happening. But I know our body go through lots of changes. Mine was after my second pregnancy. Now I have freckles on my cheeks.
its already 2 months? I was told it’s ok to drink cold drinks after 2 months.. maybe your body requires a longer time to heal?
Maybe gradually reintroduce cold drinks, and small amounts each time? Also avoid carbonated drinks?
Your body changes after birth. You need to be astute to recognise these changes. That’s how it is
I did not experience this ... I dun like room temp drinks either hot or cold
avoid cold drinks for now. maybe ur stomach cannot take it yet