I am on full terms now, going 37 weeks. I am so worry about everything. I scared that I can't handle this big responsible worry that I will not do well. I am scared of labour pain and going under knife(c-section). I don't know how to deal with the fear I am having. I even tell my husband that I wish my baby can be in my tummy don't come out. He reply you are so uncomfortable why not faster have him out and you will be more relax. I say I rather have all the hips/bone ache and sleepless night and frequently urine lo. The unknown labour pain is the one that I am so afraid of. I become very emo and wondering why only the women have to been through all this and not the husband. They still can say nvm don't worry, not pain, no need scared. Then why not they go through it also with us. Experience the pain and changes we have. I am so sad and even keep crying like a scary cat. My husband say I should not think too much. But I am the one going through all this sure will think alot.

Hi, i don't think i can totally relate to how you are feeling because i was a bit detached regarding my pregnancy and the parenthood. Mine was also a planned c-sect but in the end i had it 2 days before in 1 hr notice - that my hospital bag and husband also not with me until the last min before i get pushed in. It took me a long time to come to terms with the c-sect but medical standards are very high in singapore and it is actually the safest and most prepared way of giving birth and short duration or mummy. I was a bit kia-su so i ask for stronger pain killer and took it 2-3 days even though I didn't feel that much pain so u can also do likewise. I think you don't need to worry about the delivery because it is short, it will be over very soon and fast with so many other things during confinement and parenthood that will happen that you will be just washed away by the activities - no longer thinking about the delivery. As for the upcoming parenthood and how to handle, frankly, you can never be out prepared - know a little of some of the important things will do - like bathing baby and feeding baby - if you not sure, hospital durig your stay usually will have free classes hat you can go. I think tha tit is important for you to join a support group eg, october mummies or something like that (u can find on parent own etc) or even if u have friends with babies near in age aso can create a group for support - u will need it :) All the best. It isn't too tough really, especially a ew weeks after when u look back :)
Read morehi dear, I can totally relate to you.. but I didn't have any worries before giving birth, instead I rushed it. I asked dr to induce me because my girl is overdue. I had almost 26 hours of labour, and ended up with ecsect.. I cried when they push me in to the OT, but I keep telling myself, as long as my baby is safe. But all those feelings come afterwards. I thought I could handle it well, I thought it'll be stress-free. I thought it will be easy. but man was I wrong. I suffered from depression, I was crying almost everyday during my confinement.. because my husband cheated on me with a married woman.. I was so stress I almost left house and give up on everything.. but I have group of friends and family to help me overcome it.. my husband which promise to not do anything wrong again, my mum asked him to write down in black and white that he will never cheat again or else he will give up all custody to my baby, with signature and thumbprint.. having a baby is a learning journey for both parents and baby, we're not born to know how to take care of a baby, or know how to love a baby.. but we will learn along the way.. I'm still suffering from depression, I may look happy, but I used to have visions like how my baby will die. like what if she fell from the building, or what if we get hit by a car, or will she suffocate when sleeping. To the point I'm afraid of going out. I'm not 6 months pp, things have been going well. We all have fears, it's okay.. It's okay to be afraid. But learn along the way.. all the best momma.
Read moreHi I can totally feel and understand what you are going through. It is inevitable to feel worried and scared for the first time. I was so scared that I teared the night before I have birth. Try to busy yourself with things before the big day. Also keep telling yourself if so many women can do it even the timid ones you can too! And most importantly you can see baby after that! Mine was also a c sect. An unplanned one somemore so even worse for me. On the way to the operating theater I was so scared stiff and I even got motion sickness being pushed here and there. But what I can say is the medical professionals will take good care of you. In fact I feel no pain at all during the operation only feel tugging. But of course after delivery must suffer some pain lah but got painkillers and it will all be over within two weeks I promise you. Big hugs! Go eat something good hear few weeks and treat yourself to things you like. The baby has to come out! Just leave it to the professionals on the big day, there is nothing much you can do.
Read moreI too was a c sect mum and a FTM as well, honestly I didn't feel a single thing even though it was an emergency c sect cause water bag burst 19 days before my scheduled c sect. No labour pain also. Everything was over in 4 hours, incl taking a shower, pack my hospital bag slowly, wait for hubby to rush back from ofc. I was already overwhelmed when we were at the hospital waiting to be checked, changed, wheeled in. Thank god for the wonderful team at Mt A, everything was beautifully done. No pain, just pure happiness, especially when I first held my baby and said hi. Talking about the future worries, I had plenty. Everyday before I gave birth I worried about parenting issues, financial issues, relationship with in laws and husband issues, whether I should go back to work, trying to be positive, everything I worry about or planned, was different after birth, some good some bad. I think most importantly, have faith and trust that you will be a good mummy, and a wife, and enjoy the rest of the journey.
Read moreWhen u r in labour or pain..the only thing u will think of is the safety of your baby...whatever it takes u just wanna yr baby come out healthily....really. dont think too much. I overcomed many fears after i have my baby. Eg i used to grab on tightly during landing n take off in plane. With my baby with me i forgotten abt all these fears and only think abt her safety. During my delivery as well. I am so afraid of gg under the knives but due to unforeseen circumstances..baby heartbeat drop n me having fever..i need to go for emergency c sect and though i was most afraid but i could only think abt the wellbeing of my baby at tt moment. Its a mothers instinct. It will come soon for u even if it havent. Plus think abt soooo many women gone thru childbirth and all of us survived! Dont keep thinking abt it eg those pain etc.. just pray for a healthy baby!!! Wish u all the best!!! Btw with epidural its totally no pain...
Read moreyou are having anxiety attacks, don't worry mummy. Woman are strong people. When time comes, we will naturally brace ourselves for the worst pain and worse motherhood headaches. I been thru two natural labour both with epidural. Yes it's painful. But once baby is out,you will forget all the pain u been suffering. You will enjoy this motherhood!
Read moreDon't think about it. Take things as it is. I went into the labour ward not knowing anything. Seriously when u are in THe labour ward there is no time to feel scare. For me I spend Everyday during my pregnancy doing what I like. I travel around to run errands n meet up with my friends to the day b4 my delivery .... keep yourself happy and busy ...
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Hi Mummy, it’s normal to feel scared and worried but when the time comes, you will have that strength you never thought you have. We all have our inner strength and never really realised it.
I went thru 18 hours of labour pain and delivered a 3.6kg baby without epidural.. your body will naturally teach you how to get thru the pain.. all the best and smooth delivery..