13 Replies

I think the most scary part is the contractions when you’re fully dilated and when you’re pushing. That’s the most painful part. I took epidural but it was still very painful.

I think the scary part is when you dunno when exactly is your baby coming. My baby came out 10 days earlier than EDD. 🤭 oh and the contractions is damn painful.

not really. the hospital bag was ready for grab and go but being a FTM, the uncertainty of wad was gonna happen when giving birth, do kinds of scares me. but once admit in hospital, everything jus happen very quickly for me. baby was out within 2 hrs of admission. you jus have follow the instructions that the nurses and gynae gave on how to push etc and all's gd.

Don't scare. Hugs. I was using epidural watching TV while pushing my baby 😂had no pain at all other than feeling there's a big poop coming out kind of feel.

Just try to relax as much to dilate faster.

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