How does it feels like if doing c-section? I have already scheduled the dates . I was really nervous as it is my first time giving birth..

Just relax and don’t think too much about it. Buy a binder if you don’t have one. It helps after c-sect so that you stomach don’t move a lot. When you’re in the operating theatre, they will numb you waist down. Make sure you tell them if you’re feeling any pain. You’ll definitely feel some tugging though. Trust Allah and the doctors at work. Have your birthing partner beside you to baca doa and istighfar. After c-sect, you’ll still feel contractions because your stomach is going back to its normal size. Just make sure you rest, toss and turn and wear compression socks to avoid blood clotting. Very common after c-sect. Don’t drink cold water. On the 2nd day usually nurses will remove the catheter, so you’ll have to get up slowly. Prop up your bed to a sitting position, turn to your side and put your legs down first then use your arms to prop yourself up. Don’t wait until you want to pee then get up cause after a day or two without walking, you’ll walk funny. Keep on wearing the binder until your tummy goes back to its normal size. Don’t bend too much and don’t carry anything heavy for at least a month if possible. Eat healthy, drink Polleyney (I pinched my nose and held my breath and balas with Kurma for the after taste) it helps with the healing inside. Monitor your wound, make sure it doesn’t bleed or have pus, if it does, see a doc. Good luck!
Read moreYou won’t feel any pain during the c-sec operation itself.. Mostly it’ll be the nervousness of not knowing what to expect during the operation that will be on your mind the whole time. For me, I kept shivering even before being wheeled into the operating theatre so I told the nurses and they blowed some hot air on me which really helped to calm me down a little. Other than that, expect a bit of pulling and tugging during the surgery but it won’t be painful. The pain will only kick in the next day after the operation when you’re asked to get up to go to the washroom but I would say it’s manageable (if it’s not manageable, you can request for painkillers also). Go slow and at your own pace, all the best for your c sec!
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The feeling when the doctos pull your baby out of your stomach is just a great relief! Depanding on what you choose either to be numb waist down or put to sleep. My case i had my schedule c-sect 3 months ago at kkh my husband cannot enter the operating room with me. Dont be nervous. If your baby is currently breech before the opt their will scan again to check if the baby turns. If your baby turns you will have chance to deliver normally. Always have faith. Insya’allah a smooth delivery for you.
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Mother of 1 joyful girl and 1 more baking in oven.