i feel like my newborn hates me. he was taken away right after my csection. no skin to skin as they had to check his blood sugar. i didnt get to meet him until day 2. husband was the one who first held him. up till now he fuss and cries whenever i change his diapers, feed hom or bathe him. it is very hard to soothe him, only my husband managed to calm him down whenever he cries. i came to a point where i will cry whenever he cries. i feel devastated. ive waited for him for so long, now that i got him i feel as though he hates me. he wouldnt latch on to me, my supply is ridiculously low even though im on supplements and power pumping i only get 10-20ml per boob. i feel scared and sad whenever im with my baby. im his mother and i shouldnt be feeling this way!