My son ask me to go away and prefers dad over me.
I just feel like I'm such a failure. Whenever he cry or throw tantrum , he will prefer his dad and whenever he sees me ard, he will ask me to go away. Am I really such a bad parent ? And my husband will just ask me to go away too cos he doesn't want me to agitate him. It just hurts me alot. Like I'm a nobody on this household. I know its stupid, but I'm under so much stress that I have suicidal thoughts.

hi dear! my 3y.o. also prefers his dad over me, since he was a baby.. initially I felt hurt and epic fail that I couldn't bond with my son.. it bothered me so much at times I couldn't sleep and would tear silently.. I still feel hurt now and then, but I also learnt to see the lighter side of things: I am 33 weeks preggers and when he wakes up in the middle of the night, his dad needs to rush to him and I can continue to snooze 😂 in short, dun beat yourself up about it okays? about your unsupportive husband, I think you may want a word with him.. we are our children's role models, so if he asks you to go away in front of your son too often, your son will just continue his behaviour, or worsen... just my 2 cents worth 😊
Read moreHow old is your son? Maybe it's because you are more strict with him n the dad gives in to him more easily? my boy is 2.5 yo, sticks to me bt sometimes he will be happy that I go to bed early and ask his dad if he can watch tv now that mum is not here. lol. play with him more to engage him when he is in a better mood to build the relationship.
Read moreHi mummy, my baby also seems to prefer my hub more and kept calling for him. And what’s worse is when my in law and outsiders have to make it a point to highlight it, like a few times esp from my mil. Tbh its quite hurtful idk y they hv to rub salt on my wound but im jus waiting for the day my bb opens up to me more 💕
Read morehugs dear. i know it is hard but rest assured he loves both of you. it is best to move away from the child first and let him calm down before u go over to reiterate and explain what happen. you are not a nobody. you gave birth, you manage the household, you do everythg. dont overthink okay. take one day at a time.
Read moreit's normal my boy ask me go away whenever he's upset 😡 “I want papa” “mama go away”
same situation for me so lets chill!