I eat alot of sugary stuff but afraid will have diabetics and I'm going for my test in a month time. What can I do?

Best to avoid sugar and carbs. Try to be active if you dont have any complications. Pregnant women are very prone to diabetes. Even I never thought that i will get that because at 6 months, I only gained 4 kilos and no one in our family has diabetes so I was very confident that i will never get that but just few weeks ago, i was diagnose with GD.
Read moreStart to cut down on sugar intake including fruit juice as well as carbo such as white rice. Go for brown rice instead if possible. It also helps to drink more plain water as it can flush out excess glucose from ur body through urine.
Initially i was also worried if i will have GD, as i drank alot of ribena and milo but not plain water. Fortunately i dont have it... phew. My advise for u perhaps can just drink more water and be more midnful of what u eat.
GD test got nothing to do with how much sweet stuff u having. Is how your body react to the sugar can it dissolved quickly or slowly. If slow den u are not suitable to take sweet stuff.
I feel you! Ive been wanting sweet stuffs and my test is coming up. Tried to cut down but thn will want other sweet stuffs instead. Trying my best not to consume much.
My gd test next two weeks ahead. So today will be my last day to eat ice cream etc... Will cut down carbo and sweet drink in the next two weeks
this are some of the food that u cant eat, try to eat wholemeal bread n low fat milk in the morning ,cut down yr white rice intake, drink more water

Cut sugary stuff as much as possible. Eat like a tasting portion if possible. You can replace it with lots of fruits. Drink plenty of water
I ate alot of sugary stuffs too during pregnancy but shouldn't be a worry if there is no one in your family that has diabetics
Eating sweets don’t cause diabetes.. it’s genetical / hereditary disorder.. diabetes patients can’t eat sweets
I didnt know love has a sound until I heard your heartbeat ?