can i ask something..my baby feel scared when hear sound of loud toys (like bob the train) and also people with loud voice..is that normal? he will cry when he heard that. can other mommies give me advice?thank you ?

Hehe.. Not just baby. I already got 2 kids and my ears like your baby which is can't hear loud things such as balloon, mercun, high voice and so on.... Doesn't know why...but seem like we can't accept the high/loud noise..
yes its normal dear dont worry. maybe ur baby afraid or surprised to the loud noise. but when they grow older they will be familiar with the noisy sound. same with my nephew he used to cry whenever he hear loud noise.
thank you so much..now i feel much better 😊
My daughter cried because of her dad sneezing to loud..😅
😂 so cute
yap my bby too, is normal 😊
thank you so much..now i feel much better 😊
Momsy of 1 fun loving cub