Go to bed without shower
My husband goes out drink with his friends once or twice a week in some pub. And often come home tipsy or drunk and go to bed without shower. I told him off many times for not doing that. And now we have our baby started to cosleeping with us, I don’t want germs or bacteria to affect the baby’s lung or skin. Am I asking too much? I feel like bringing the baby to sleep in another room.

Your husband after consume alcohol don't co sleep with your LO. Somemore your LO still small shower before bed is a must. You are so good let your husband go out with his friends to drink. If me I'm won't let somemore have baby waiting at home, lucky mine don't drink because he need to drive.
I wouldn't worry about hygiene but it's a huge safety issue. Drunk people sleep more deeply and can't control their actions so it's very dangerous for cosleeping with baby. I would just sleep in a different room with baby
Don’t allow this bad habit to fester. If you do, only you and baby will suffer. And why is it a habit for your husband to go out drinking once or twice a week? He is now a father and not a single man, isn’t he?
If only he realise how much we are suffering. Told him off yet he still living in such lifestyle. And refused to change. Sigh
I think it’s better to either let baby sleep separately on a cot bed if not another room will be more ideal
Yah. I just pack the guest room. Just in case such thing happening again. Too annoyed.
You are not asking too much. This is basic hygiene. Have to bathe before going to bed.
Get him to sleep on the sofa if he doesn't want to bath. Germs might get to the baby
U r considered lucky that e husband comes bac hm n nt sleeping with another woman...
Wah! Should I treat the entire village for my lucky luck? R U kidding me?
Hygiene aside, it is unsafe to allow your baby to co sleep with a drunk adult.
I did ask him to sleep outside living room. He was unhappy abt it. And question me “why should I?”
Best to bathe before sleeping together. otherwise ask him sleep sofa
Try. Failed. Repeat. Useless already. Often time it’s be who move in it the house than him!
I hate that too. I have a cot in the room just for this sort of situation
My baby doesn’t like to sleep in her cot. He can edge co sleeping came about. :)