How to treat mild diaper rash..? I wipe it with wet tissue after he poop I put diaper cream and powder let it blow wind without wearing diaper for 15 mins and then wear it back. will it go away or get worst? my lo is 8 months first time diaper rash I not sure what to do. Recently he started solid food , only carrot, broccoli and porridge. He have been eating porridge for 4 days. Will is it because of wet diaper or poop or maybe I did not change it frequently. How many time should I change diaper per day?

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i use wet wipe to clean the bum and apply destin (the purple color one) and i use cloth diaper till the rash is gone. Hope it help.

Super Mum

I use Desitin Rapid Relief (blue colour). Works very well for such rash. I don’t apply powder here because it blocks the pores

VIP Member

This doesn’t look mild. Wash with water instead of using wet wipes for now and wipe dry. Use desitin diaper cream.

VIP Member

stop the wet tissue. wash the bum with water instead. Air dry it and apply diaper cream. It will help!

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Most importantly is to keep the area dry and apply some mild moistureriser suitable for baby skin

Try to change after 3 hours and best cream for rashes is sudocrem

VIP Member

I change once every three hours. Use desitin too!

Definitely densitin will help

VIP Member

Should be fine after a while