how to raise a child without gender bias?

I personally have two beautiful girls which my husband and I love them with all our heart. We have been bringing them up without any gender bias. We both know we have been doing a great job due to an incident that happened recently. My method:- 1. No stereotyping We don’t really buy toys for both our children as we prefer them to play outdoor or do artworks. If we do, we will make sure we shop in both sections and integrate all toys. We did the same for school celebration goodies bags too, if my girl chooses a princess' theme everyone in the school gets the same princess items. The same applied for superheroes theme. 2. We promote All Colours for Both Genders and it applies for everything, even for clothing. 3. Empowering them There was once my girl comes home crying that a boy in her school was celebration birthday with Superheroes theme; she wanted to have the Spiderman goodies bag but told that she can only have princess goodies bag as she is a girl and can never be a superhero. This is when I will share with her on all the females Superheroes characters to reinforced the idea both gender can be anyone they want to be. 4. Role model My husband does a great job on this; I am a SAHM but my husband still continues to help out in our house. He wants to share the ideas that housework should never be a job for mommy only but everyone in the family. He plays dolls/football/wrestling/tea party with them to let them know, not only boy can play football but girls can too. Boys can plays with dolls to learn to be a good daddy too. It is not really that difficult to do it yourself but a lot of efforts are required especially if your parent-in-laws are very traditional.
Read moreThe points that Ling and Racheal shared are really good - basically, it's just trying to raise them without the discrimination against anything labelled for specific genders. This includes (but definitely not limited to) colours of the items your child uses/wears, cartoons/characters your child likes or watches, toys that your child plays with, hobbies/interests that your child has ... and in the future, the desire of wanting to identify as something your child wasn't born with! The simplest way you can do this is just to respect what your child likes - blue/pink, ballet/taekwondo, princesses/cars, race cars/dolls - give your child the freedom and support to do what they like :)
Read moreWe don't sterotype toys or pass remarks such as only a girl can do this or boys don't cry. We have the mentality that all kids are the same no matter what the gender it all starts with yourself. What you think will come out in your language and actions. So thoughts and belives are important.
This is hard. But i never been thru any gender bias towards my kids probably becos i have all boys. It's hard to do it without gender bias as i grew up with a elder brother. My mum always said my brother is able to do so and so becos he is a guy.
Read moreI don't think I have gender bias. So I don't know what that's like.
You cant. Its 1 or the other