18 Replies
My LO stopped latching before 3mths (she went on a nursing strike for 2 weeks and refused to latch anymore) so I was exclusively pumping until she's 9mths old as I had oversupply.
Mine was only 4 - 5 months. I stopped as I started work and he couldn't latch on properly as well. Luckily he still grew up pretty healthy and all though 😄
Near to 3 months cause oversupply. Engorged too many times. Feel like dying everytime. Somemore flow too fast for the baby when latching keep on choking
Slightly before 8 months when my period returned :(
7 months. My supply dropped when I started working
VIP Member
The furthest i go is 3yrs plus 😁
No. 1 6 months No. 2 4 months
Mine was a year old.
VIP Member
Around 9 months old
2 years 7 Months