7 Replies

VIP Member

Separation anxiety can show up in kids as young as 8to10 months; and can continue well until he turns four. It is however, a common issue in most kids and nothing to worry about. Unless, of course, it is more than just anxiety over staying away from parents for too long and turns into major tantrums. The best way to deal with this situation then is to practice separation with your kids so they get used seeing you coming and going at intervals. You can leave your kid in the care of a caregiver for a brief period till he gets used to the routine. You can ever schedule separation after naps and feedings, especially if he is younger than one year. Babies can be the most susceptible when they are tired or hungry. You should also develop a ‘goodbye’ schedule such as kissing goodbye. Make sure to keep things quick and leave without fanfare, so your kid knows this is not a big deal. if your little one is a toddler, you can create familiar surroundings where ever he goes.Like asking a sitter to come over to asking your kid to bring his favourite project where he goes. Most importantly, reassure your child that all will be just fine.

VIP Member

Separation anxiety normally begins from 6 to 7 months or even earlier for other babies. For the first few days, your baby may become fussier than usual and it may be difficult to soothe him. It will all pass. Babies need time to adapt to new environments and people. You could talk to him constantly and reassure him that you will definitely be back to pick him up. Include a piece of worn clothing which has your smell so your baby can smell it to soothe himself or his favourite pillow or toy to remind him of home so it'll be easier to pass time in infant care. After he becomes familiar with the teachers and place, you'll find it a lot easier to leave him in infantcare. http://sg.theasianparent.com/helping-your-child-deal-with-separation-anxiety/

It's not a compulsion that your child will have a separation anxiety. My niece did go to a daycare since she was 8-9 month old and she never faced any issues. It all depends from child to child and their environment- i.e, if they have been constantly with one of the parent around. To avoid this happening to your child, you can try to meet more new people and sometimes leave them with their cousins or other kids of the same age. Even if they do show tendencies of separation anxiety, do not worry. They will settle with time. If they still don't, figure if something at the day care or wherever you drop them to, is not nightmarish for them that is making them scared.

My baby is 6+ months and already experiencing separation anxiety. He cries the moment I leave the room, or if I go out of sight. What I did was to get my parents (especially my mum since she is caring for my son when I'm at work) be more involve with my son when I am with it. Over time, it gets much easier to leave the house.

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Give them one of your shirts for when you leave the smell of you will comfort them
