9 Replies

I'm one of the few that is super lucky as I don't experience this during all my 4 pregnancies. What could be causing my itchy skin during pregnancy? As it stretches and tightens from your growing belly, your skin may feel dry and itchy. Your changing hormones may be causing the itching as well. If you have severe itching that spreads to your arms and legs, it could be pruritic urticarial papules and plaques during pregnancy (PUPPP). If you have PUPPP, you have itchy red spots on your skin. But it’s nothing to be worried about; it’ll go away after you give birth. Itchy skin can also be a symptom of allergies or cholestasis of pregnancy. What should I do to treat my itchy skin during pregnancy? Avoid hot showers and baths because they dry out your skin. You should moisturize a lot and go for unscented stuff, since it's less likely to irritate. You can also take colloidal oatmeal baths. Colloidal oatmeal is extremely fine-ground whole oats, which can relieve itches and soothe skin. You can make your own if you grind the heck out of oats with a coffee grinder (essentially to powder form) and drop a couple of cups’ worth into a warm bath. But you can just as easily buy Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment from your local drugstore. For optimum relief, make sure the bath is warm, not hot, and gently pat yourself dry afterward. Also, wearing loose-fitting cotton gear won’t irritate your skin as much.

Your changing hormones may be causing the itching. If the itching occurs around your belly, it is caused by the stretching and tightening of your growing belly, which makes your skin feel dry and itchy. Throw in the tropical weather, itching is bound to happen. Avoid hot showers and baths because they dry out your skin and cause itching. Try warm baths instead. You should also moisturise a lot and go for unscented products as it's less likely to irritate. Also, wearing loose-fitting cotton clothes will least likely agitate your skin especially in our region's tropical climate. You can also try oatmeal baths or soothing bath products such as Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment, as itch relievers.

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I assume that the itching is around your tummy area? Because during my 1st pregnancy, my stomach was so itchy, it was almost difficult to fall asleep! This is because your skin is tight and because of your growing baby inside you, your skin is stretching beyond it's limit thus making you itch. I find that it helps that I take a warm shower before apply stretchcream or lotion on me before sleeping. It helps moisturize the area so the itchiness eases a lot more.

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