Weight gain on first trimester
Hi mums. How many kilos did you gain during the first trimester? What is the ideal weight gain on the first tri? I’m only 11 weeks but can’t fit in some of my jeans already ?

I gained around 5kg in my first tri😅 you can google for pregnancy weight gain calculator and get a rough gauge. In summary, mummies with lower BMI will gain more, whereas higher BMI will gain lesser. I read that some overweight mummies even lost weight during their pregnancy.
I'm ard the same time as you and have alr gained 2kg++. trying to watch my weight in case I gain too much actually. 😅 but it's all about eating well and taking care of yourself so the kilos don't seem to matter much unless it's a drastic change
Lost 3 kg in 1st preg. Lost 1 kg in 2nd. 1st preg total gain 8kg. Now 2nd one halfway gain 900g. Eat more meat and veg to boost bb but wont add weights to mummy. Then post partum with bf immediately lose all the weight. Bb still came out about 3.1kg
Wow so lucky to only gain 8kg. I wish I was like you! Hehe
Didn't gain i think, maybe 1 or 2 kg during 1st tri.. My whole preg i gained around 6.5kg (normal bmi), baby was really taking my nutrients. He came out around 3.2kg. I just took it that oddly, having a baby is my weight loss program lol
wahhh so luck you.
I gained 5 kg from Feb 22 (50kg) until April 22 , because of urge to eat more often but constipation strikes and feeling bloated. Now on my week 10 and 2 days. 💝 will monitor nadin , to avoid too much weight
i lost 5kgs on my first trimester. 2nd trimester till now 3rd trimester i gained 11kgs. haha.. dont think so much of the weight. diff people diff. you are pregnant. enjoy the food.☺️
Thank you 😊
I lost 6kg in the first-second month. Then my weight evened out after i lost 1 more kg. Now in my 4th month. Haven’t had the chance to weigh myself but i don’t think i gained too much
Hi mom it' depends on how you starve and crave food during that stage, but always be extra careful with what you eat. I advise to eat vegies and fruits 😊
I'm on my 10th week and I've since gained a little less than 1kg. Even so, I'm starting to see a baby bump and my jeans are also starting to feel tighter!
i lost instead :( from 47kg to 32kg. no symptoms like morning sickness or vomiting, yet dropped at that. after that, gained back to max 55kg by 40weeks 😅
32kg can still survive?