Pregnancy bleeding and spotting

Is there anyone faced bleeding and spotting from vagina during your first trimester? Is the sign look like miscarriage or very bad?

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Hi I'm 7 weeks today. on tue I experienced spotting (light pink blood) when I wiped. Same on Wed. I went to KKH O&G. They made me pee in a cup. I saw a gynae and also did a scan. Baby is ok. I was still bleeding slightly. Doc said it's threatened miscarriage. Sent me home with Duphaston to take for 2 weeks and told to come for my next scheduled apptment. Today my bleeding completely stopped. Hope this helps u and ur ok!

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6mo ago

Hope your pregnancy journey smooth sailing, I hope also. 🙂🙂🙂

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relax... its normal. Your vag is dispelling leftover blood from previous period to prep for pregnancy.. so long its not more than panti liner where you have to wear a pad (not excessive and no accompanying pain) throughout my pregnancy Id sometimes get random3 spotting I Just relax. Everything turned out fine. Dont over stress yourself iver things outside your control

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3w ago

i think focus of the amount and whether there are accompanying pain. If its a lot, groing in amount or comes with pain then you should be worried. Im on my 2nd pregnancy spotting is common for me. sometimes every trimes I experience some. A teip to A&E is a option, but let me warn you guys it aint cheap. So now I dont go unless absolutely neccessary

some pregnant ladies do go thru spotting , some only last for a day others more than a day.. But if u still worried u can just go A&E.. My first pregnancy 19 years ago I had spotting and i tot it was my period starting but it was not i was pregnant which i also didnt know.. My gynae advice if u have cramps & spotting go A&E.. hope everything is ok for u..

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6mo ago

Thanks for advice

Hello I am at 5 weeks now spotting and bleeding for almost 1.5 weeks alr went to NUH A&E they saw a sac and confirmed the pregnancy but prescribe duphaston 1 month but I am still spotting regardless still

Take care N 🙂