6 Replies

Some are faster & some are slower depending on individual babies. My boy started to have 4 front incisor ( up & down ) when he was 3 months old. By the time he's 8 months, he already have 18 teeth. We started to brush his teeth since he have his first few teeth to protect from decaying. https://www.google.com.sg/search?q=teeth+chart&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj4yqWC-pnQAhUMNI8KHURZCKkQ_AUIBygB&biw=375&bih=559#tbm=isch&q=baby+teeth+chart&imgrc=bZQuANOYa6_6oM%3A

My boy started to have 2 front teeth growing from his bottom gum when he was 5 months old. They are very short white teeth which are still growing out from his gum. He is 6 months now and I'm observing the growth of his teeth everyday. I can see the teeth getting taller & talker. There are many other small teeth coming out from other part too.

It varies from baby to baby. I know of a baby (friend's of a friend's) who was borned with already a tooth sprouting. My son is already 6+ but doesn't have any tooth yet but he has already shown signs of teeth. Here comes the biting horrors soon!

In general, the rate at which a baby start growing his/her first tooth varies. Typically, most will start teething is between six to 10 months.

VIP Member

my baby start to have his teeth at 4 months. And by the time he is 5 months he had 2 teeths . And its long and sharp
