
At how many months old then I can start giving my son solids? And any recipe or tips? Thanks

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6 months old is the minimum age before you can start offering any kind of solids - before that it should only be breast milk or formula :) Reason being, their gut and digestive system may not be fully developed or mature enough to be processing anything else before that - some people do offer their child solids before this, but I'd prefer to be safe than sorry (just in case)! In addition to that, you may also want to make sure that LO can sit steadily unsupported and show signs of eagerness in having solid foods before you offer anything - and start with simple items one at a time just to try things out and make sure there's no allergy! Each new food item should be tried for 3 days in a row just to be sure, before you move on to anything else/mixing ingredients together. As for recipes, no salt/seasoning/sugar etc until LO is 1 year old - they have their entire lives to be eating flavourful foods so you don't have to rush on that!

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7y ago

Just to add, solids before 1yo is just "for fun"! The main source of nutrients is still breast milk/formula until LO is 1 year old :)

Start from 6 mths. For a start, you can try steaming and pureeing (blend/smashed). Some food to try are sweet potatoes, avocados, carrots, potato etc. You can add breast milk, formula milk or water to adjust the texture. Don't try too many new food at the same time since you'll need to look out for signs of allergy so try the same food for a few days before introducing new food. This way, you can pin point any allergies he may have.

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ideally 6 months. or when baby can sit upright unassisted, shows interest in food when you are eating and mimic chewing a tion and drooling. these are some signs that baby is ready for solid food. you can start with vege purees, then progress to fruits, and later add grains and meat. or, you can chose to try out BLW, baby led weaning. there are groups on FB that you can join to know more.

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6months dear started with cereal first for 2 weeks. gradually 3rd weeks onwards start to give puree of fruits and vegs types of fruits puree: red apple, peach, banana, apricot types of veg puree: cauliflower, broccoli, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, pumpkins

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my 1st 2 kids started at 6mnths. but my 3rd was at 4mnths old. i go for the fruit puree. or u can blend spinach yourself... then as she grow older . it started to be more starchier.. and i start BLW with her. this helps. cos what i eat she eats 😀

6 months is when I start giving my bb I started with steamed sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli etc Can add formula or breast milk to that Puréed or mashed Can also give puréed pears, bananas etc

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6 months. Please don't start before that. Safe first foods are avocado, pumpkin, sweet potato and carrot. Start with veggies and not fruits.

6 months is ideal in mashed and pureed form. good to try different food sources as it develops well rounded taste in the child.

6 months, not before that. Offer solids once a day first and introduce 1 or 2 new items weekly.

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From 6 months. I started feeding her fish porridge or cereals.