Number of kids and why

How many kids do you want to have and why?

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Ideally is 4. 2 boya and 2 gals. Just simply love kids. As mine is c-section, 4 is the max. Elaw baby and my life would be in danger anytime. Better don't risk our lives. If can, would love lots of kids.

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I want three (3)kids, because I want kids that I can take care of, I want my kids to to get the best, I won't want to bring kids to this world to come and suffer so I want to give birth to kids I can carter for

i hope to have 2. but my hubby prefers 1 only so we can have undivided attention and love to my LO. I have a wonderful 16mo boy and now i do not want another yet. well... the last decision goes to him! hahaha

I wish to have 4 kids if financially allowed. However, I will stop at 3 kids as I feel this combination is fine for me too. Growing up with siblings is very fun and the house will be filled with laugther.

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Maybe 2 or 3 children will be enough with age gaps in between...coz lets face it, it's pricey to raise a child. I want to give them a comfortable life and send them to any college that they've want. ❤

Actually I wish to have 4 (2 girls and 2 boys) before i got married as I like a big family. Now I have 3 kids and I feel very satisfied already due to financial and limited energy to take care of them.

I would like to have 2 kids. A elder boy and a younger girl. I think having siblings is the best gift a parent can give a child. No one can quite understand or be there for you like your siblings can.

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Two! A boy and a girl. Though as much as I would love to have as many kids as possible, there are a lot of factors to consider, financial capability is one. So I'm okay with having 2 as of the moment.

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3-4 I guess? Hard to say - plans always keep changing. :) but we do know we intend to adopt the next child, a baby girl. We are still debating between Nepal, india or china.

I wanted 3... I am now having no. 5. My husband was an only child and always wanted a big family. I come from a big family so we have a great support system and lots of love to give.