4 Replies

If your 8mo is already taking solids smoothly, then you can give it to her in either steamed/sauted form. I used to (and still do) cook palak saag and offered my kid one leaf of palak at a time and she loved the game. To add some variety, you can also make aloo palak or palak paneer. For some reasons, kids love paneer and what better to sneak in some palak while they're at it.

It is always better to first boil it and then use it, especially for a baby. leafy vegetables can often contain worms which are not visible to the naked eye. this means that even if you wash it properly, some may still remain. boiling it first will ensure it is absolutely safe. you can use the boiled palak in absolutely anything :)

Hi, You can boil it, and mash it nicely. You can also make spinach soup rather than giving the leaves, just give the soup. You can also knead the boiled spinach in flour and knead a little chapati which you can feed the baby by mashing it nicely. You can of course make khicdi.

add it to khichdi or make a soup

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