Old baby stuff
Hey all What do you do with your old baby stuff - give it to charity, sell it or something else?
18 Replies

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If it is brand new or used only once or twice then will sell. The rest, I will bless away to someone who needs it more.
Super Mum
Really depends on you but it is really a lot of work to sell online sometimes. Ill give it away.
If those expensive ones I'll sell. The rest I'll bless to low income family.
Super Mum
Most I will give to friends / relatives who needs it. Some will sell away.
Give it to friends or someone who needs it. Otherwise sell it
VIP Member
I will give it to somebody who needs it or sell it.
VIP Member
Pass it to friends with younger baby
Super Mum
So far I’ve been giving most away
VIP Member
Depends. Sell, pass down, charity
Give to those mummy. need it
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