How do you deal with people or parents that compares their little one to yours?

It depends... If she seems worried that her little one is smaller in size, I will reassure her that every baby is different and must look at mummy size! I'm fat, you can't expect my kid to be small and scrawny right? So likewise if she is being mean that my kid is fat, I'll just laugh it off and say yah, my milk too much fats! Just take it with a pinch of salt. Give support when needed, and if it's a good Friend, laugh off the comparison, and if it's some random people, answer with a hint of sarcasm... :x
Read moreI just let them talk and say what they want. Because I know my kids and I know what I want for my kids. So I'll just let the "other people" say what they want. However, if my kids were to have heard what was being said, I would also have a chat with my kids about the comment, when we are alone. Just to reinforce my views and to make sure my kid is not negatively affected by the comments.
Read moreoh my thats what always happen to my kids.. I always remind them never ever care what ppl say about you because you are you and no matter what ur parents always love you.Sometimes it not only hurt them but it hurts us too.So i told them all kids is diffrent they have their own special ways only we as parent must remeber that nobody is perfect.From then i guess they know what i meant.
Read moresometimes certain people need to voice out so just let them talk. for me after talking i will either smile and walk away, find an opportunity to talk to my own kid about what has happen just now. if not i will just remind them of different individual have different milestones so dont compare, by comparing u will hurt the child feeling more than anything.
Read moreI listen and sort them out. Maybe there's a whole point in listening to them. At the end of the day, we chose what to hear and not to hear. I'm definitely not perfect as a mom and my child as well. But l don't take it personally. After all, we are all unique in our special way. Whether they like it or not. They should know how to deal with that.
Read moreJust tell them every kid is different and let them development at their own comfort and speed. When one kid is working on linguistic, the other maybe working on motor skills. So all of them work differently. Some can do it, but need to build more confidence before proceeding to do it. So tell them that.
Read moreWill just smile at them. Don't wish to offend anyone. Usually they don't do this cos my baby is always on the top. Lol If they compare, they will definitely feel inferior. I'll will just answer some questions, usually they will stop after 2 to 3 questions.
Read moreIgnore them. And if they are like family friends or whom you meet daily and are unavoidable, you can tell them that comparison is not only demeaning for kids but for adults too. Every person is unique in his/her own way and comparison kills their uniqueness.
I will walk away if it is a stranger and if it is my friend who makes the comment and comparison, I will just listen and will not take it seriously. If they talk in front of my children, I will tell them directly, my children are special in their own ways.
Answer them in polite way so that they understand that I ignore their comparisons. Every kid is special in his own way. As a parent, it is our duty to identify and encourage that special talents. Comparisons just pressurise their little sensitive hearts.