I have an ANEMIA

how you deal with it ? My HB is 9.0 . What should i take to high up my HB ? I think i want to try drink Anmum Materna and eat kerang rebus . Is it okayh ?

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Sy amalkan zincofer klinik bagi tu mkn before tido dgn air oren. Lepas tu amalkan sayuran hijau dan buah²an Sy juga elakkan minuman berkafein; teh,kopi,milo,minuman bercoklat. Sbb dlm coklat juga ada kafein

saya sekarang pun ada masalah hb 10.4 je.. first trimester 11 lebih .. masuk trimester kedua hb low pulak.. sakarang saya amalkan jambu batu..harap2 next weeks hb naik lah..risau kena refer hospital...

Sy pon anemia, that day jumpe nutritionist Do: makan hati ayam/lembu, makan kacang2, take iberet with orange juice Dont: take caffeine, take iberet with susu, minum milktea/tealive sbb byk caffeine

Baca lagi

Saya makan supplement shaklee dalam masa sebulan naik dari 10.4 naik ke 11.1 ni dah dekat due masih lagi consisten makan shaklee... berminat boleh pm saya☺️ www.wasap.my/60197857093/Shaklee

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You can take iberet or obimin plus.. You also need to eat a lot of fruit esp fruits rich with vic c. Vic c help a lot on absorb iron that you are taking... good luch mom

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saya pernah dulu camni jugak. lebih kurang kita punya hb.. saya makan kurma, kerang, bayam dan daging. Alhamdulillah next check up dh okey dh.. tak pyh minum susu anmum

After going to the gov clinic, they gave me Obimin. Better check with doctor and get consultation before taking any medication or supplement.

saya pun hb 8.3 sampai nak kene masok sepital .. macm² dah try same jgak .. last week check 9.1 . rbu niy check tkthu brape .. doakan saya ya

should avoid milk while taking some iron booster.. atleast 4 hours gap.. u can't have it at the same time..

6y ago

welcome mommy😊😊