take pills for anemia not drink plain water is it okayh ?
i don't drink a water . i can't smell it and taste it . i just drink cocoa and milk sometimes juice . is it okayh if i take pills with this 3 kind of drink except plain water ?

the pills taken sometimes didnt react well with milk my dear. such as your iron booster - iberet, ferrous fumarate. they should be consume while your tummy is empty. after 2 hours, u can start having your breakfast. and, gap 4 hours for milk. unless it would not be so effective to cure your anaemia. u can look up more on milk and iron absorption or ask your ob for comfirmation.
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not with milk or cocoa since these would affect the iron absorption. you could drink with juice instead as it is recommended as vitamin c helps for good iron absorption.
Nurse akan suggest mkn zincofer dgn jus oren